Tuesday, 30 September 2014

When September Ends

I actually cannot believe that today is the last day of September. It feels like this whole month has passed by in the blink of an eye! I've been so busy writing and editing I can't remember the last time I had a day off!

With October approaching it does remind me how much I enjoy seeing the seasons change. Already in the woodlands by my home I've seen the trees releasing their conkers and loosing their auburn leaves in the breeze. Autumn is full of such rich, rustic colours but Winter will always be my favourite time of year so I'm quite excited knowing that it isn't too far away!

As September ends, so does the deal on First to Fall, the first book in my Avalon series. It will only be available for £0.59/$0.99 for a few more hours so get it while you can! I've really enjoyed being a part of the #LFFF promotion with some other wonderful thriller writers. I've now got some great additions to my TBR list which I can't wait to get stuck in to!

As I mentioned, I've been furiously writing and editing to hopefully bring a few more new releases towards the end of the year and early 2015. I've almost finished the third book in my Avalon series, Third to Die. The end is so close I can almost touch it! It has been a very emotional book to write as Aiden does arguably face some of his toughest and most distressing challenges in this book. I can't wait to share it with everyone once it is completed! 

I'm also in the midst of editing my YA dystopian release, Dare to Dream, which is scheduled to be released with Reuts in January 2015. The book should be up on Goodreads soon where you can add it to your TBR list and keep an eye out for promotional competitions closer to the release date! I can't wait to see the cover for the book, all the Reuts covers are gorgeous so I've no doubt that Dare to Dream's will be too! 

And so we say goodbye to September and embrace Autumn in all its glory! I don't know about everyone else but I'm crazy excited for the months ahead!


Monday, 15 September 2014


Today is another one of those days where loads of things seem to be happening. I find that the life of a writer tends to be like that, things in terms of intensity can go from zero to a hundred without any warning! Saying that, I knew today was going to be crazy but in the best possible way!

Firstly, the sequel to First to Fall, Second to Cry is released today! I'm so excited to share what happened next for Aiden in Avalon with everyone! If you've not read the first book in my Avalon series, it is currently on offer for £0.59/$0.99 which leads me to my next piece of exciting news...

Today a wonderful promotion I'm involved with has kicked off. Some amazingly awesome authors of thrillers and mysteries kindly asked me if I wanted to be involved with their September book sale and of course I said yes! All of the books involved are on offer for the next two weeks and if you visit the website for the event you can win a $10 amazon.com gift card! Awesome, right?

So do check out Thrills and Suspense for 99 cents and if you Tweet about it, please use the #LFFF tag! It is a great way to be introduced to some new writers and get some wonderful books at a crazy low price!

On top of all that, I'm in the middle of edits for my upcoming YA release so things are super busy but I wouldn't have it any other way! I'm off to have a celebratory ginger biscuit in honor of Second to Cry's publication day! 

Until next time!


Thursday, 11 September 2014

Thunder Stealing Roger

My blog post today was supposed to be all about my exciting news that I've signed up with the Kate Nash Literary Agency. I'm now represented by the very lovely Sarah Taylor and thrilled to be working with the agency.

However, over the last few days things have been a bit tense at home as my little guinea pig, Roger, had to have surgery to have one of his eyes removed. The eye became infected and quickly escalated to the point where antibiotics wouldn't help and he would need surgery. Surgery is always risky on such small animals but we felt that we had to do everything we could for Roger.

So yesterday he went under the knife and had his eye removed : ( I was terrified that we'd lose him but I'm pleased to report that he's now home and well and stuffing his face full of hay and cucumber! He's bounced back to his cheeky old self and I'm in awe of how brave and resilient such a little creature can be!

Rollo has been camped out by his hutch all afternoon as he's equally delighted to have the little guy back with us.

Life has been tough for Roger, he lost his life long companion, Don, at the start of the year but refuses to let anything get him down. So today, my agency news has been overshadowed by Roger's outstanding bravery! He's such an awesome guinea pig and I'm so happy he's back home! He now just needs a pirate name to match his new one eyed appearance...
