Friday 3 March 2017

Last Witness Cover Reveal

I'm not the best at blogging. I do apologise for this. I don't post on my blog nearly as much as I like but I have good reason for neglecting it - I've been knee deep in edits for one book and busily writing another. I rarely emerge from my writing cave these days.

The sequel to Wrong Number, Last Witness, is being released in May and the cover for the new book was revealed yesterday in Aria's monthly newsletter and it's awesome. I love it! Just like my first cover with them it is eye catching, ominous and gorgeous with a flash of red! Don't believe me? Check it out for yourself -

For the book bloggers amongst you, Last Witness is available to request over on Netgalley. I'm so excited to hear what people think of this next instalment in Amanda's story. You can also pre-order the book ahead of it's May release. 

And if all that wasn't enough you can read a teaser from Last Witness over on the Aria blog. But proceed with caution - if you've not read Wrong Number there are spoilers ahead. You have been warned! 

I'm afraid that I can't promise that I'll be anymore committed to my blog over the coming months as yet again I'm in the midst of writing one book and editing another. A writer's life is a carousel of first drafts and edits which never ends but I wouldn't have it any other way! Make sure to follow me over on Twitter and Facebook where I'm much more active. Mainly because I can maintain those accounts via my phone during a Netflix binge of The Good Wife*

Hope you're all having a fabulous Friday!

See you in the funny papers! (Yes, I went to see The Space Between Us recently and yes, it was mega cute)



*by Netflix binge I mean working. Night and day. Diligently : P

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