Wednesday 21 May 2014

Big News!

For a while now I've been hinting about some big news and now I can finally spill and share it with you!

I'm thrilled to officially announce that I've joined the Reuts publishing family and will be releasing my currently untitled YA dystopian story with them later this year (aiming for autumn).

It is a contemporary fantasy adventure based around my home county of Shropshire so the story is very personal to me.

I'm currently working with the Reuts team to come up with a suitable title for the story, which is the first in a trilogy, and then over the summer I'll be getting stuck in with the editing process.

The book will be available in both e-book and paperback format which is awesome! I'll update with more information as and when I have it including press releases and cover reveals!

To read more about my initiation in to the Reuts fold check out their blog post here;

I'm so excited to work with them as they are such an innovative YA publisher and definitely the perfect home for my new story! I'm also now listed on the Reuts author page ;

Wish I could have shared this news with everyone sooner but my laptop died and had to be resurrected which took a few days to sort out! I find that once one thing breaks, everything does as now my iphone is acting up...

Anyway, hope everyone is having a great week and enjoying the sunshine whilst its here! (which probably won't be very long)


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